The Ripple Foundation Presents

Energy Dynamics in Relationships
Saturday, May 3rd, 2025
9:00 AM Check-in | 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Workshop
Location: Beautiful, private home in Leavenworth

Early Bird discount - $147

(ends March 31)

TRF Mission: Creating opportunities to transform ourselves, our relationships, our community and the world. 

Our Vision: A world of compassionate connections. 

Founded by a passionate group of innovators, The Ripple Foundation is dedicated to creating community through life-changing, empowering, and enlivening

workshops, events, and discussion circles:


Heal relationships

Build life skills

Enhance self awareness

Manage life in a healthy and productive manner



A non profit since 2011, The Ripple Foundation has transformed the lives of countless people with expertly facilitated programs that build life skills, enhance self awareness, and provide tools to cope with life’s challenges.

At The Ripple Foundation we believe that by recognizing one’s value and embracing one’s greater potential,  we begin to heal ourselves, our relationships, our community and our world.

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Participate in our life transforming, empowering and enlivening coursework, events, and discussion circles.


Join us

A passionate group of pioneers bringing depth work and transformational experiences to you.

Authors from The Ripple Foundation

  • by: Steve Stroud

  • by Deb Pobst and Theresa D-Litzenberger

  • by Steve Stroud and Lara Hovda

Your travel guide...

When an elder dies, a library burns to the

~Amadou Hampate Ba

This African proverb sums up why the
Elder Speak program is so valuable and
important. The hard-won wisdom and
knowledge that Elders possess can be
shared with those ready to hear and learn
from them. As the Elder Speak program
progresses, Elders explore their life
experiences in a systematic way. From
what first appear to be “just memories”,
valuable nuggets of wisdom are revealed
both to the Elders themselves and to
those who figuratively “sit at their feet.”

Quest -cover  eBook large

Steve’s book is here!

In a compelling mix of short stories, scientific facts, ancient wisdom, and new age thinking, Quest- Living an Enlightened Life in the Mundane World takes us on a journey that answers one of life’s most perplexing questions:

How to live an empowered, mindful, even enlightened life when faced with the day to day challenges, conflicts, and mundane experiences that occupy most of our time.

Quest is grounded in science, steeped in the healing arts, and tempered by experience.

Chapters include- Quest, Inspiration, The Transformational Moment, Taking Inventory, and Karma. Some chapters offer contemplative exercises, others offer opportunities to practice the paradigm shifts the book presents. Imagine creating healthy choices over painful patterns, patient responses over hurtful reactions, and kindness over blame. Imagine how that would transform your life and relationships, perhaps transform your entire world.

Quest would have a meaningful impact on anyone who desires to transform their life and heal their relationships.

If you have ever felt lost, wondering how you ended up where you are, or felt that somehow you have misplaced your sense of self or your way, then this is the guidebook for you.

This Road Map is so valuable that it will become your new “go-to toolbox.” It’s full of ideas, directions, interactive exercises, and superpowers that will support you in centering, focusing, and coming back to your True Self, again and again.

Your True Self is the place where you are so comfortable, known, held, loved, and recognized. It’s a place where you tell yourself the truth. Where you are true and authentic. Is it easy to get there or be there? NOPE. That’s why we wrote a book about the journey it takes to find it. I-T. A journey to your True Self. At home, inside of you. This journey will get you from shaky to solid, from not OK to OK, from feeling unworthy to finding your value and your voice.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”
— Mother Theresa