Sandy Reiman

The challenges and trials in life can and have given me the ability to be grateful.

Sandra Ferrel Reiman was born in February of 1939 at Leavenworth Sanatorium Hospital. My freshman year through Graduation were in Leavenworth.   The fall after Graduation, Dad strongly suggested I apply at Leavenworth Hospital to be a Nurse’s Aide.  While working at the hospital I met my husband to be, Harold Reiman. Harold and I married in June 1960. When Harold’s father died he had to run the orchard; I was pregnant. We moved closer to the orchard and I helped with the operation of the pear orchard. Harold passed away in 2015. Jokingly, our family will say, I wore Harold out, either going on too many trips or he having to stay home, while I traveled to Europe and other places.